
Exilis Ultra™

Exilis Ultra™ treatments combine the transforming currents of ultrasound and radiofrequency to tighten skin, address wrinkles, and improve skin tone and texture.


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What is Exilis Ultra™?

Exilis Ultra™ treatments combine the transforming currents of ultrasound and radiofrequency to tighten skin, address wrinkles, and improve skin tone and texture. Cell regeneration and collagen production are triggered as the skin is heated below the surface. 

Benefits of Exilis Ultra™ 

  • Triggers collagen production

  • Non-invasive and painless

  • No downtime

  • Natural results

  • Improved skin tone and texture

What to expect from Exilis Ultra™ 

Controlled heating and cooling allow your practitioner to treat tissue on multiple layers, beginning from deep below the surface. Treatments vary depending on your individual goals, but 2-4 sessions are typically recommended for maximum results. Some patients see results after a single session. Maximum results typically progress throughout a 3 month period.

Conditions Exilis Ultra™ treats

  • Skin Laxity

  • Cellulite


Experience what Exilis Ultra™ can do for you.