
What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss or baldness is often linked to genetic or environmental factors. You may notice your hair thinning as you age, or discover patches of baldness. It can be difficult to experience hair loss; especially as our hair is often so linked to our identity and how we wish to be perceived by others.

Symptoms of Hair Loss

Concerns about hair loss can stem from a concern about thinning hair, a receding hairline, or a hairless patch or spot. Alopecia or baldness may appear in patches or begin with hair slowly thinning.

Hair Loss Treatment Options at Visabelle

We are passionate about helping our patients find solutions for their hair loss concerns.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an innovative treatment that uses a centrifuge to extract and inject rich plasma into your areas of concern, helping cells to regenerate and encouraging new hair growth.


Let’s explore the best treatment options for you!